Thursday, August 16, 2007

Through Scott Rains' "Rolling Rains" I just found this cool link to a New Zealand website for crips and their families and friends.

I've only watched a couple of their videos, but THEY ARE COOL!

Ebates: A Painless Way to Save a Little Money

I am a dedicated online shopper -- I do as much shopping online as I possibly can.

I signed up with several years ago, and as of today, I've gotten $373 in rebates. They have over 800 stores signed up with them -- my only regret is that only offers coupons through them (Barnes & Noble does have a small rebate deal, though).

Click here to check it out. Yes -- full disclosure -- I will get $5.00 for people who sign up and use the service if you go through this link. But you too will get a "free" $5.00 if you sign up.

If you have a disability that impacts the whole shopping process -- which can be a whole range of disabilities -- or you just like avoiding crowded stores and witless store clerks, try the online process.

Some people are really afraid of giving out financial info online, but I have so far not had any problems using any of the stores through ebates. One of the things to keep in mind is that you have to start with the "portal" to do the shopping, or it won't track any of your purchases for the rebates. A couple of times, I have forgotten until the very last minutes, and have logged out and started over, just to get my rebate.

I think the average rebate is only 3-6%, but over time it adds up -- and seems like free money, when you get your rebate check in the mail.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007



In the Newsweek issue dated 2/18/08, there is a quote from Pat Buchanan, a "conservative pundit" from the "Today" show, in which Buchanan said of John McCain, "He will make Cheney look like Gandhi."

Now that's scary.